Plastic - Nightmare
STR: 10 CON: 8 INT: 16 DEX: 18 WIS: 5 CHA: 13
Hit Points: 57 Bloodied: 28 +2 to Bio overcharge. Speed: 6 Initiative:14 AC: 15 Fortitude: 21 Reflex: 25 Will:23
GearLouisville sluggerdartexplorer's kittenttentclimber's kitlantern (8 hours of lamp oil)draft horse (no wagon)
PersonalityHow trusting are you? Obstinate What is your outlook at the start of each day? Grim What kind of decision maker are you? Forceful How conscientious are you about following rules? Scrupulous How empathetic are you? Theiving How courageous are you while under fire? Fearful
SkillsAcrobatics: 18 Athletics: 10 Conspiracy: 13 Insight: 8 Interaction: 15 Mechanics: 13 Nature: 8 Perception: 8 Science: 13 Stealth: 14
PowersStretchy Arms At-will, bio, physical, weapon Standard action Melee 3 One creature | d20+14 + weapon accuracy Dexterity attack + level + weapon accuracy vs. AC | 1[W]+14 1[W] + dex mod + level physical damage, and pull target 2 squares | Fear Manifested At-will, psi, psychic Standard action Ranged 10 One creature | d20+13 Intelligence attack + level vs. will | 1d8+23 1d8 + int mod + 2 x level psychic damage, and to end of next turn target gives combat advantage and has -2 on attacks |