Bartholomew Nightstand
AI - Prescient
STR: 16 CON: 11 INT: 18 DEX: 8 WIS: 16 CHA: 11
Hit Points: 12 Bloodied: 6 +2 to Psi overcharge. Speed: 6 Initiative:0 AC: 18 Fortitude: 14 Reflex: 15 Will:17
GearKevlar vestchain sawbarettaexplorer's kitcanoelaptop computerradio cell phonewater purifier (water not included)duct tape
PersonalityHow trusting are you? Open-minded What is your outlook at the start of each day? Grim What kind of decision maker are you? Easygoing How conscientious are you about following rules? Dutiful How empathetic are you? Theiving How courageous are you while under fire? Daring
SkillsAcrobatics: 0 Athletics: 4 Conspiracy: 7 Insight: 4 Interaction: 5 Mechanics: 7 Nature: 6 Perception: 4 Science: 7 Stealth: 0
PowersBlue Screen of Death At-will, psi, psychic Standard action Close blast 3 Each creature in blast | d20+5 Intelligence attack + level vs. will | 1d10+5 1d10 + int mod + level psychic damage, target has -2 on attacks to end of your next turn | Thwarted Defense At-will, physical, psi, weapon Standard action Melee weapon One creature | d20+4 + weapon accuracy Wisdom attack + level + weapon accuracy vs. AC | 1[W]+4 1[W] + wis mod + level physical damage, target cannot shift to end of your next turn |