Bartholomew Nightstand
Mythic - Reanimated
STR: 16 CON: 11 INT: 8 DEX: 11 WIS: 11 CHA: 18
Hit Points: 12 Bloodied: 6 +2 to Psi overcharge. Speed: 6 Initiative:1 AC: 18 Fortitude: 15 Reflex: 12 Will:16
Gearriot gearkatanasizable rockexplorer's kitgenerator (8 hours of fuel)canoeradio cell phonecanoeheavy flashlightgenerator (8 hours of fuel)
PersonalityHow trusting are you? Skeptical What is your outlook at the start of each day? Self-doubting What kind of decision maker are you? Adaptable How conscientious are you about following rules? Pragmatic How empathetic are you? Kind How courageous are you while under fire? Daring
SkillsAcrobatics: 1 Athletics: 8 Conspiracy: 0 Insight: 1 Interaction: 9 Mechanics: 0 Nature: 1 Perception: 1 Science: 0 Stealth: 1
PowersMythic Strike At-will, physical, psi, weapon Standard action Melee / ranged weapon One creature | d20+5 + weapon accuracy Charisma attack + level + weapon accuracy vs. AC | 1[W]+5 1[W] + cha mod + level physical damage damage, and an ally within 5 squares gets +2 on save to end of your next turn, or 5 temporary hp | Nasty Bite At-will, healing, physical Standard action Melee 1 One creature | d20+4 Strength attack + level vs. AC | 2d6+5 2d6 + str mod + 2 x level physical damage; on critical hit, regain 5 + level hp |