Yeti - Photonic
TraitsCold Resistance
STR: 18 CON: 12 INT: 16 DEX: 10 WIS: 7 CHA: 18
Hit Points: 12 Bloodied: 6 +2 to Bio overcharge. Speed: 6 Initiative:1 AC: 18 Fortitude: 15 Reflex: 15 Will:15
Gearshoulder padswinter tirekatanalight ranged weaponexplorer's kitpickup truckriding horse
PersonalityHow trusting are you? Obstinate What is your outlook at the start of each day? Self-doubting What kind of decision maker are you? Impatient How conscientious are you about following rules? Pragmatic How empathetic are you? Hard-hearted How courageous are you while under fire? Fierce
SkillsAcrobatics: 1 Athletics: 5 Conspiracy: 4 Insight: 0 Interaction: 5 Mechanics: 4 Nature: 4 Perception: 0 Science: 8 Stealth: 1
PowersBig Claws Encounter, bio, physical Minor action Melee 1 1 creature | d20+7 Strength attack + level +2 vs. AC | 1d10+6 1d10 + str mod + 2 x level physical damage & target slowed to end of your next turn while you remain adjacent | Glowing Blades At-will, dark, force Standard action Ranged 10
| d20+4 Intellligence + level vs. reflex | 1d10+5 1d10 + int mod + 2 x level force damage, push target 2 squares, one ally within 3 squares gets +2 on all defense to start of next turn. |